Expect to be at Canberra Eye Laser for approximately 2 hours. This enables us to complete the necessary paperwork and gives you an opportunity to ask any last minute questions whilst we program the lasers.
You will be in the treatment room for about 20-30 minutes, but the crucial laser time is only seconds for each eye. During the procedure, you will be asked to lie on a bed and look up into the laser's centering light. Anaesthetic eye drops will be given and a small lid speculum will prevent your eyelids from blinking. The laser and the surgeon will ensure that your eye is centered during the procedure.
Dress comfortably and bring a companion on the day of treatment to drive you home. They are welcome to stay and watch the procedure from our viewing area if you wish, and we can supply a video copy of your procedure upon request.
Post-operative drops and detailed instructions will be provided before you leave the facility.