Wondering what to do with your old glasses and sunglasses now that you’ve had laser eye surgery? Give them to Canberra Eye Laser!
We collect prescription and non-prescription glasses and sunglasses to donate them to people in need; providing sight for people who simply can’t afford, or don’t have access to health facilities.
The simple donation of unneeded glasses can make a life-changing difference to someone living in less fortunate circumstances. The glasses are cleaned, graded and labelled before being sent to those in need in the Pacific, Asia and most areas of Australia.
Thanks to our many patients and donors across the years, children around the world are now able to see the blackboard at school, and adults can safely work to support their families.
Canberra Eye Laser works with the Lions Club and other humanitarian organisations to distribute the now-redundant glasses. Last year, we donated over two huge fishbowls-full of glasses, and hope to donate even more this year.